6-6-01 OK, Just Added some Fan art into my Ryuzoku 4 U shrine! |
5-31-01 another update.. yeah, no foolin'! Well just updated my Ryuzoku 4 U shrine BTW.. the music files are busted.. and i don't have any way to get them backk again ;_;. Damn it, i knew i should of kept backups!!. if anyone knows where i can get Waru Badblood, its remix, Fairwind, His BGM and Only lonely soldier in GOOD MP3 form.. PLEASE e-mail meee! i will owes ya forever!! Also, and Fixed some of the broken links in my Lair. thats about it. |
5-29-01 Well DAMN, been a while eh? seems i forgot to tell everyone about the update.. and our new member SHADOW ZEI!! Girl get yo page up soon >:/ Anyway, The wallpapers and pager skins were deleted on my http://dmscv.users4.50megs.com/ account.. damn 50mges..WELL, i was able to save the games and they have been RE-uploaded onto my Tripod account . along with a new adopting center Slayers KITTY! go go and enjoy the kawaiiness!! |
5-15-01 HEY!! Been awhile! Well HOPEFULLY the wait has been worth it! I have a NEW chapter that is ALSO a new story at the Sachurary! check out this link! Phoenix Exile Isn't the html PRETTY?!?!? |
5-2-01 Yes peopel! I AM alive!!!!! LOL well not much of an update. I've put up a new little area. To my newest and liekly coolest Muse, Mkael. check my home boy out! As well as look at the fact that I actually CAn do the fancier HTML. LOL (I just uusaly aviod it like the plague. LOL) Later cats! ^_^ |
4-16-01 More of a Rant than a actual update.. Me thinks my other account at 50megs was deleted! Damnit, just ANOTHER FUCKING THING TO GO WRONG! I am Trying my best to Get the "Tic tack toe" and "whack a slayer" Back up. thank GOD i didn't deleted it from my moms computer. The Yahoo! pager skins are Gone forever, IF the page was deleted.. The wallapers.. i can get back. no problem. Also managed tto salvage my Ryuzoku 4 U shrine its up and running on my New Tripod account.. |
4-12-01 Again.. it tis meee. I bring you some minor changes in the main page.. and A FUNNy AS HELL gift from Lacy, In the Gifts section! heehee! |
4-8-01 MEE again! i bring you a biig ass update in the Ryuzoku 4 U shrine!! .. i am not obsessed, damnit! ¬_¬ |
4-5-01 Wasup my homies?! its SCV here! i now bring you my newest addtion to my little hole on the ground called Ryuzoku 4 U A Valgarv shrine! *_* one another note i added a bit more fan art into my section. But the best is yet to come! (for me atleast) I FINNALY got a cable modem! *random thrusts into the air and a well rounded cabbage patch* |
4-3-01 HIII! well and update basicly from both me and SCV! we finally have (dramatic music) DA DA DUM! the GIFT GALLERY up and running! We've gots lots of nice things from poeple that we like to show off! If we've missed a peice that you have sent us.. Just send either of us a long teearful e-mailw ith a copy of your gift and we'll get it up ASAP! okay? buh-bai! ^_^ |
3-28-01 hello hello heeeeelllloooo! ^____^ LOTS of stuff done! Got the Winamp Skin page done. PLUS! the Comic Index complete. As a Bonus Got a surprise in the Story Sanchuary Wow! what a mouthfull! LOL well been busy! Also! While in the Forest Shrine Check out the two galleries to two of my artist buds! Isebel and Gigi! |
3-24-01 YEA! my newest creation is UP AND RUNNING! well.. mostly. Anyway, it's running enough! Check out, The Legend of Zelda: Shadow's Reflection. in my Story Sanchuary. ^__^ |
3-23-01 I didn't DIE! heehee! just came to tell yall, I Revamped Dragon's Lair It has a SPiffy new layout and a KILLER side image! >:P See, I have been a good little Ryuzoku. Also please take only a Few minutes to sign our Guestbook and Discussion board. Feedback is rare you know. ^^ |
3-15-01 and after lots of back breaking work.. My Eyre is done! Go! Enjoy the gallery and.. the FAQ.. and.. the overflow of typos! ¬¬;;.... |
3-14-01 YO!!!! Here! ^_^ I loaded up a few new Midis and a new MP3 to the Sping! Enjoys! I'm working on several areas at once so hopefully I'll get soemthing up here fast! Oh yea...... I loaded a new page to the Starfire Forest Comic! ^_^ |
03/08/01 Woot! got my Area upatDragon's Lair.. but some links are not clickable.. Yet atleast. ^^ i am going to have my hands full with the rest of the site and will be SLow in the update area. |
03/07/01 HEY ALL! I'm here too! I've done some tweeking of the Fiction board. A few minor adjustments.. I still gotta make sure all the ones linked back to the fiction board are linked to the right one! I have the Guidelines up! I'll have the comics up and running as soon as SCV finishes the image map! But here's a sample! Starfire Forest The daily addition |
03/06/01 ALRIGHT! we got some of the missing files back up! *dances* And for an added bonus i have added The Adopt a Typo Fairy and Adopt a Dragon Areas up and ready for someone to take home.* baps Lacewing with a Xellos plushie* comeon and start updating :P.. don't make me come over there! |
03/05/01 OK, 50megs is being an extreme pain in the BEhind... We are STILL trying to fix what happened.. What a way to start off the grand opening onf this site.. BAD typos *All fingers point to her* >: *ahem* and now this. .. HOPEFULLY we will get everything fixed up soon.. *quickly Runs off and beats her TYpo fairies into submittion* |