
SCV: Welcome to our links Section!
Lacy: We have a number of Slayers & other anime Related links
SCV: but first, We need to tell you how our system works.
Lacy: indeed we do.
SCV: Here is how it goes, We take the said link and rate it and add out own personal comments. Others might have a different one. so Please don't Get mad if we give your Favorite site a bad rating. (Hell, there are our FAVORITE sites to go to!)
Lacy: We are always Fair and look at each Link carefully for flaws or stolen files.
SCV: Yeah.. but typos can be looked over! heheh. everyone does typo ^^;;
Lacy: Said the queen.. :P
SCV: *snort* yeah so I typo! its not like its a crime or anything!
*in comes a purpled haired priest and a Fowl mouthed Ryuzoku wearing Police attire*
Xellos: Hold it right there!
Valgarv: *points prop gun towards the stunned and mouth gaped SCV & lacy* You Two are under F*cking arrest!
Lacy:*Glares daggers towards the fruitcake* What on earth for?!
Xellos: Well, Miss, its a Secr--
*The hapless Priest gets beaned upside the head with a mallet which Lacy sudden;y came upon*
Valgarv: Where in the F*ck did that come from?!
Lacy: Easy, At anygiven moment when a women is mad, They have the right If not the power to summon one into view. Besides.. I am getting EXTREMELY tired of that line..
Xellos: X_x;;
Lacy:Serves you right *raspberries*
SCV: Oi, Well As we were going to say... Lacy, And Me will be looking at different perspectives of each site we get.
Lacy: For one, I look at that content and artistic points of A page
SCV: And i will be the Hardest cookie to please. I am going to look at HTML and the layout designs. Oh yeah, word to the wise.. I HATE homebuilder sites, I only have the highest of respect to people whom make their pages from scratch.
Valgarv: Damn, Beotch.. Isn't that Kind of HARSH?!
SCV:Hey, rules are Rules! I have been screwed over many times with people whom have had a homebuilder page!
Valgarv: Screwed over eh? *grins*
*Then swiftly the Hentai mindedDragon gets beaned upside the head with the Anti-Hentai mallet* (tm)
Valgarv: @#$#@%! >_<
SCV: ... Men...

ON to the links!

FIrst off, Once again. This is for fun. Dont' take us serrious like you won't take a critic at the movies serrious.
Here's what we grade on in short if you didn't bother reading above.

Lacy Looks for
A: Artisitc and original content. How does it look over all? Pretty or sucky?
B: How well the links work. NOTHING I hate more than the evil 404!
C: TACKINESS... if it's tacky or has tacky stuff.... like "under construction" or other such things..... *grrr*

SCV looks for
A: the HTML, how does it look? Fancy or simple? What programs used? (BTW, she HATES homebiulder with a passion)
B: Loading times! Does it load fast or slow?
C: Layouts. Do they work? Are they good? Does everything work as it should? (links layouts ect....)

SCV: Don't worry! as soon as i can make something that FITS i will change this god awful piccy

Queen of Swords Webpage of Rather silly things
Lacewing: LOTS of text and fun things to read, but nothing else really. While I do here alot, and I can usualy find something new to look at, an all text page can get boring. I HIGHLY recomend the Zelgadis on the (fill in the end part here) Wonderful stories and well writen!I love the Sword on the side bar!
SCV: Hmm, good loading time, Easy on the eyes too! but the HTML seems rather simple. and could use a good tweaking up.
Den of Slayers Silliness
Lacewing: I can't get enough of this site! there is ALWAYS soemthing to do, ALWAYS soemthing to look at and soem of the stuff you can read, play or view over and over and NEVER get tired of looking at it!!1 *raves so that someone has to tie her up*
SCV: WOW, I mean .. WOW! nice layout GREAT use of HTML and easy to guide though. not to mention the loading time ROCKS!
Tenkyoku Teahouse
Lacewing: One of my best buds, But it's cool! got lots of interesting little stories and pictures to view. Let alone letting poeple be in as part of the "help" *me the chibi keeper!*
SCV:Not bad for an Xoom site. The loading time is kind of slow, the background sometimes clashes with the Text color on a few pages, and the Tables are good but kind of bunched up into one spot..
To Steal w/ A kiss: The vision Saga
Lacewing: Great comic! Funny story! Gets a great single thumbs up from me!
SCV:Simple HTML, loading time is good but a little on the slow side. (too many images on the main page). But overall.. the layout seems to work!
Wayside Slayers Inn
Lacewing: Lots of fun and funny things to do, but it's mostly a text site, so there isn't much else to keep attention.
SCV: Good.. BUT The frames were a BAAD choice for easy Surfing, the backgound and the link colors are hard on they eyes and make things difficult to read >.<, and the image at the toptakes a bit to load. on the bright side.. the RPin' Scripts near the top are a riot! :D
Ryu no Ichi-zoku
Lacewing: Artistic wise it's kinda bleh. Not much here of interest. And though likely a good fan site. Thee isn't a whole lot of draw.
SCV: Nice. good on loading and cool design.. too bad its HOMEBUILDER!!! Argh..
PhonixFeathers MP3 Horde
Lacewing: GOOOD MP3 site! LOTS of veriaty, But it's slow and the downloads can take a long time. And there isnt' much else here at all.
SCV: All nice and purple-ish! the loading time is something less to be desired ¬¬, the tables are good. really good. but thats about the only bit of fancy HTML she seemed to use..
Tempet's Anime Music
Lacewing: NOT quite as good as Phoenix Feather when it comes tothe amount of downloads. But the Real Player Downloads are a nice touch. Very original. Would likely be better if my real player ever worked! LOL
SCV: Heheh, this belongs to my sister after all ^^ sorry , Nee-san if i am to harsh!. Well for one the HTML is pretty good! all sorts of fance tables,link decore, and Well placed images! but the loading time kind of sucks on the main page >:P
Sea of Chaos
Lacewing: Great site! Lots of images and evects. easy on the eyes the art is fanstastic! But it would be alot better if everything was in english since about the only things to veiw are the art pages. So not much in the way of veriaty available.
SCV: BAAAAAAAAAAD Loading time on the main page, the pop up window for her updates is a good idea.. but helluva annoying, the images map table : yet another good idea, but too many images used to make it. the number of images that was used, Is what took up most of the loading time.. on the bright side NICE DESIGN!!
Lina's Corner
Lacewing: LOOOOOOTS of things to do here! The layout is simple, but can be forgiven for all the great and fun things to do and see!
SCV: HMM, AA's site is well rounded and easy on the eyes, and the layout is nice But (there is always a but isn't there?) the loading time is semi slow and the html is fairly simple. I likes it!